- March 28, 2020 - April 9, 2025
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
With this course students’ aesthetic, intellectual and technological abilities through programs that integrate theory and practice will be developed. This course offers students a rigorous and innovative curriculum taught by faculty with outstanding academic and industry experience.
Fashion Art
- To introduce students to Basic sketching techniques.
- Aspects of human anatomy & importance of fashion illustration.
- Drawing a fashion figure or a croquis with proportion & body movements.
- Various poses required for fashion illustration.
- Various mediums for sketching and rendering life forms.
- Different types of Lines-vertical, Two- & three-dimensional forms, Stick figures & different body actions, Basic 8 head croquis, Lingerie drawings.
Sewing Fundamentals
- Introduction to Industrial Sewing machine.
- Study of different types of needles and threads.
- Basic hand stitches and their classifications, Different types of seams, Hem Finishes Introducing fullness.
- To introduce students to various Industrial Machineries.
- To acquire basic skills of operating industrial sewing machines.
- To understand basic sewing techniques.
Fashion Psychology and Grooming
- Understanding clothing, Clothing Values, Modern Clothing, Selection of clothes.
- Planning for clothing needs and wardrobe planning.
- Social and Psychological Aspects of Fashion.
- To enable students to understand the trends in Clothing behavior.
- Gain an insight on the planning process involved in Clothing selection.