01. Program Curriculum
Guide to the Program
Fashion designer designs, creates and develops collections in fashion and its environment. Through this curriculum, we offer a creative laboratory space that privileges contact, sharing, motivation and communication around fashion.
Students learn how to forecast fashion trends and understand business skills necessary in the fashion industry. Our students receive a quality training in style while also benefiting from our textile know-how, for a very complete professional training. Our students receive high-quality styling training while also benefiting from our textile know-how, for a comprehensive professional training program. You’ll develop a practical and creative approach to fashion design, learning the different stages of the creative process, from conception to completion.
Capital of fashion, Paris is the ideal place to become a recognized fashion designer. The program gives students the opportunity to thrive in the industry of fashion and style by studying in Paris as well for students interested in doing so.
Certification registered at level 6 in the Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles (RNCP- French registry for professional certifications), awarded by Ecole Conte – College de Paris.

fashion styling 3

fashion styling 1

luxury marketing 5
02. The Brief
Guide to the Program
BAC +1 TO BAC +3
The fashion stylist designs and creates products, considering form, function, color, texture, season. Among other skills, they also describe trends and synthesize them by analyzing documentary research, trade shows, cultural events, and exhibitions. The Bachelor’s degree in Fashion Design is ideal for developing your creativity. Training you in drawing, patternmaking, and garment manufacturing, you’ll also learn to work as part of a team, manage your time and communicate effectively.
The Bachelor 1 and 2 years comprise a common core textile and fashion program, which is refined in Bachelor 3 with a specialization in fashion design.
From first year to third year this course enables you to work on concrete projects, take part in fashion shows and collaborate with industry professionals. It’s the perfect way to showcase your creativity and originality!
- Trendy concept
- Fashion project
- Accessory
- Cutting and sewing techniques
- Expérimentations textiles
- Textile design
- Mesh
- Textile technology
- Fashion design
- Sketches
- Screen printing
- Graphic expression
- Graphics
- Textile collection
- Semantic culture
- Technical English
Career Opportunities
- Fashion Stylist
- Graphic designer
- Fashion designer
- Stylist Product Advice
- Photo stylist
- Creator textile material
- and surface for fashion
- Luxury and Fashion Master
- Application Form
- Motivational interviewing
- CV
- High school Graduate
Required level and qualification
- High School Completion (12 Grades)
- The fashion stylist must have a great sense of anticipation. Always in tune with the times, they are curious and master trends by keeping abreast of everything: devouring magazines and blogs, touring department store and boutique windows, visiting trade shows and keeping abreast of street fashion.
- Endowed with an assertive personality, they can impose their signature style on everyone!
03. Enroll Now
Guide to the Program