01. Program Curriculum
Guide to the Program
Data Science was introduced to understand structured and unstructured data in a better way; it combines data analysis, statistics, machine learning and their related methods. Jim Gray, a winner of the Turing award, imagined Data Science as the fourth paradigm of science. The concept, which has been appearing over the past three decades, is currently being used in business intelligence, business analytics, predictive modeling, and statistics.



02. The Brief
Guide to the Program
- Data visualization
- Data exploration
- Predictive analytics, and descriptive analytics techniques
- Mastering in data visualizing, transforming, and modelling
- Data Scientist conducts frame open-ended industry questions
- Machine learning and analytics programs in the organization
- Extracts a high volume of data from internal and external sources
- Develops statistical methods of preparing data for predictive modelling
- Cleans data to get rid of irrelevant information
- Data visualization predictions
- Develops data-driven solutions to cope with the challenge’s situations
- Makes cost-effective changes in existing strategies and processes
- Develops new algorithms to solve problems
- Application form
- Background in Security
03. Book Now
Guide to the Program