01. Program Curriculum
Guide to the Program

interior design

interior design 3

interior design 1
02. The Brief
Guide to the Program
BAC +1 TO BAC +3
We strongly believe that experimentation is the key to innovation. That’s why we encourage our students to explore different creative methods, to use different materials and technologies, and to push back the boundaries of traditional design. Our pedagogical approach encourages broad and comprehensive learning, which is why the first two years of the Bachelor’s degree are taken in common with the Bachelor’s degrees in Object design and 360° design, a choice that encourages collaboration and the exchange of ideas within a creative community.
- History of design and luxury
- Art history
- Fundamentals of luxury and design
- Relationship marketing
- Object perspective drawing
- DTP (Desktop Publishing)
- CAD (Computer-Aided Design)
- Trend
- Graphic expression
- Color
- Model and prototyping
- Technical drawing
- Graphic design
- Space design
- Design thinking
Career Opportunities
- Object designer
- Product designer
- Graphic designer
- Computer graphics layout artist
- Art director
- Application Form
- Motivational interviewing
- CV
- High school Graduate
- TOEFL (To study in Paris)
Required level and qualification
- High School Completion (12 Grades)
03. Enroll Now
Guide to the Program