
About IBSW

About IBSW

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3 Continents, 6 Cities

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Student Feedback

Meeting expectations and beyond

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Online Programs

Fashion, Business, Technology

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Casino-Spieler machen Geschäfte auf viele Arten. Einige Spieler sind abergläubisch und glauben, dass ein Wechsel des Dealers ihr Glück verändern wird. Andere glauben, dass der neue Dealer geschickter darin ist, das Spiel “abzukühlen”. Einige Spieler wollen ihr Glück jedoch einfach nicht ändern. In diesem Fall können sie den Händler wechseln.

Casinos machen auch Geschäfte, indem sie ihre Investitionen auf High Roller konzentrieren – Spieler, die mehr als der Durchschnitt ausgeben. Diese Spieler spielen normalerweise in speziellen Räumen, die von der Hauptetage des Casinos getrennt sind. Ihre Einsätze betragen normalerweise Zehntausende von Dollar. Eine gute schweizer online casino Website sollte für Standort, Ausstattung, neueste Ereignisse und andere Besonderheiten optimiert sein. Dies hilft der Website, sich von der Konkurrenz abzuheben. Darüber hinaus ist Proximity-Marketing eine hervorragende Möglichkeit, Gäste in die Nähe eines Casinos zu locken und das Interesse an der Gegend zu steigern. Dies kann besonders vorteilhaft sein, wenn sich andere Casinos in der Nähe befinden. Die Nutzung strategischer Partnerschaften und Co-Marketing-Kampagnen kann auch die Mundpropaganda erhöhen.

Our mobility program will provide students with strong interpersonal communication skills and a global mindset, which are essential parts of the existing dynamic business world. As more companies go international, local employers have started to value international experience. By studying abroad, you can improve your communication, language, and inter-cultural skills and gain soft skills highly valued by future employers. 9 out of 10 employers are looking for transversal skills (problem-solving, teamwork, curiosity) when recruiting – the very same ones that students get from an educational experience abroad.

Comment les casinos attirent les joueurs
Une nouvelle étude examine la manière dont l’industrie des nouveau casino en ligne 2022 attire les joueurs en utilisant des incitations marketing. Elle explore également l’effet de la dépendance au jeu et des croyances irrationnelles en matière de jeu. Elle recueille des données auprès d’un panel de consommateurs et analyse le comportement des consommateurs pendant une période de deux ans. En outre, les chercheurs examinent la taille des paris effectués par les consommateurs.

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We encourage student mobility within any of our campuses: Washington, Paris, Dubai, Montpellier, Lyon or in India. Your study period abroad can last from a minimum of 1 month to a maximum of 12 months on our specified campuses. Contact your adviser for more information on mobility programs.

Our Programs

IBSW’s programs are challenging, relevant, exciting and industry-focused. Our courses are designed to educate and develop the next generation of business and fashion professionals, with courses ranging from fashion design and tailoring to business management and IT professionals.

Our programs aim to cultivate designers, innovators, industry-focused professionals and entrepreneurs. We offer over 50 short courses from Big Data to Adobe, from Fashion Journalism to Design and from Artificial Intelligence to International Cuisine, our portfolio is as vibrant as ever. We believe, with the help of IBSW’s approachable and helpful management team’s guidance and support every student will excel and be ready for tomorrows workforce environment.

Cooperative Learning

At IBSW all of our programs are built around a cooperative learning framework to engage students in productive discussions and motivating challenges during their program. We strive to develop and deliver quality educational programs so the students may reach their full potential.

Our courses enable the students to gain necessary study skills and strategies to succeed in a challenging global business environment.

Students will experience a comfortable learning atmosphere where educational skills are taught with a great balance. Brilliant industry experts and the faculty excelling in their perspective fields will guide and support you during your program period.

Supportive Environment

We have high expectations from our students, and we aim to provide a supportive and stimulating environment in which students can reach their full potential. This includes cutting-edge facilities and unrivaled resources across the disciplines, as well as personal and welfare support, academic guidance and a sense of community throughout their time here.

We welcome applications from students of all nationalities and religions. Admission to study at IBSW is very competitive. Requirements vary between programs, but in general our academic departments look for students with the ability, enthusiasm, curiosity and commitment needed to pursue higher-level studies.

Partner Schools

We take great pride in our network of esteemed partners who play a crucial role in providing high-quality education from their respective industries. These partnerships are integral to our commitment to offering students a comprehensive and relevant learning experience that prepares them for success in their chosen fields.

The College de Paris education group is a network of 12 higher education institutions in France.

Ecole Conte offers its students a solid artistic culture in the fields of fashion, textile, design and luxury.

ECEMA Lyon was the first school in the Rhône-Alpes region to offer all of its alternating courses (post Bac +2).

Keyce Business School is located in the beautiful city of Montpellier, by the Mediterranean Sea.

Ascencia Business School, a Business School with sandwich courses, was created by business leaders

Meet our Faculty

Alexandre Trotto

Chef Akil

Corinne Mayou

Daniele Joyeux

Daniele Joyeux

Emmanuel Santosh

Frederic Guenot

Guillaume Finck

Jean-Francois Polaire

Olivier de Lagarde

Philippe Grudet

Rabah Lahlou

Marc Verney

Nishankh Sainani

Khushbu Shetty

Sarah Hadadcha

Tasmayee Laha Roy

Alpana Prasad

Karine Godier

Alice Houvenaeghel 

Admissions Open

Our programs are currently open for enrollment, providing an opportunity
for individuals to join and embark on their educational journey with us.
Open Enrollment for  UG – PG – Diploma
Short Workshops and Certifications
Diploma Programs
International Degree
Mobility Program – Study in Paris, Dubai and Bangalore


Our student’s testimonials reflect and highlights some of the key factors of quality and learning environment that we at IBSW provide to our students and alumni. Our students and alumni share their wonderful experiences and thoughts about IBSW and explain how IBSW helped to give them the right direction and to choose the best career path. IBSW highly recognizes and values feedback from students and alumni in continuously helping it to improve its educational quality standards and the student learning environment.

Campus Gallery

Campuses of International Business School of Washington are located in some of the most exciting cities in the world – Washington, D.C., Paris, Dubai, Montpelier, and Bangalore.

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